So this year on valentines day, i decided to do cupids undie run. Admittedly, this was another run that i signed up for because i thought it was fun. I mean how often do you get the chance to run through Fenway park, let alone in your underwear?
(photo credit Marc Ford)
I tried the fundraising through twitter, because, most people there do not know me, so asking for money seemed easy. I only know a few people on twitter personally, so I did not feel embarrassed sharing the fact that i would be running in my underwear. But that did not work so well, some favorites, a retweet, but no money. I even offered to do a burpee for every 3 dollars donated! None of that worked, so i decided to share it to facebook, I blocked out a bunch of people, again very shy. Still no luck! So the week before i finally posted it for all my friends to see, on facebook. To my surprise, some of my family and friends stepped up pretty quickly, and i am pleased to say that they got me well over my goal! Day of the run, it was below freezing, but i was determined to run it in my superman underwear!!!

We started at a bar across the street from fenway park, we got to run through the park, about one loop through the inside of the park, then back across the street and into the bar. I stopped to do my 50 burpees, and my friend recorded it so i could share it with my contributors. Despite the below freezing temps outside, in the park, around all those people, it was actually not bad at all. But the point of this post is, all of my concerns disappeared. They disappeared after i posted my video, i got a few questions as no what the hell i posted and why. But i also got praise, for various reasons. But the thing that stuck out the most, was when a good friend asked to tag one of her friends that kinda made it more real to me. She was not the first person to tell me about a friend, or friend of a friend that has Nf1. So what started off as a fun thing to do (and it really was) means so much more than i first realized and means way more than some fun in my underwear and drinking in public. I am beyond pleased to say that i raised money for a great cause, it is a disease that attacks the nervous system and can cause, amongst other things, tumors spreading through the body, and causing fragile bones. They say that they spend 82.4% on program expenses and less than 8% on administrative costs, on their web cite. Even though this was not a race, and nothing close to what i have normally done before i loved it. I hope that for my next charity event will be just as beneficial.
My next charity event is carry the fallen 6.0, i will be trying to raise funds in a few weeks, so keep an eye out. Carry the fallen is a charity for veterans, working to drop the number of veteran suicides from an average of 22 a day to 0.
(photo credit: Jonna Capecci)
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