Thank you Heather, you started this whole thing |
I am back again, doing Cupids Undie run, this time a few things have changed for me. It is still the same cause, to #endnf, Benefiting the Children's Tumor Foundation. For more info about the charity the money goes to, and it's research check out their web site, I have a link
here with some info about NF.
So last time around, I was super shy about everything involved. I was shy about asking for money (figuring ways to get people to donate is not easy, but I got 150, I had to promise burpees, it only sorta worked). I was also shy about telling people what I was doing, I knew I would be with friends, so I was not overly insecure, but telling people at work, and asking for money, it felt too much. I only really got over it around the run. I had noticed that even though I did not know anybody with NF, that I had loved ones that knew people with it! My friend asked to share something about it on facebook, because their friend had it and just did it. So I officially did not feel bad, I knew it was for a good cause, and that I did some good (and had a whole lot of fun wile doing it).
Whitebeard attempt #1 |
This time around though, I had a better plan! This time around I have a giant beard, I mean massive, the biggest I have ever had in my life, it has been growing for 7.5 months!!! (I grew it to have the forest gump look for an ultra, and it worked!) I had been wanting to get rid of it for a wile now, like 2 months. But I figured, why not try and raise some funds before shaving it, so I put it on facebook, and said if I got 75 then I would cut off the beard. You see I had been getting grief about how long it was for months, and figured it would be incentive to get rid of it, WRONG! I had a few friends instantly ask "How much to save it?" so then I started a bidding war, because why not! I put 10 days on it, and did not expect much, I was hoping for 100 bucks all together. Well this is where things get interesting, One friend, took the picture I posted, and made a flattering status update, and donated money to my page, and asked for her friends to spare some money to save the beard as well. I was touched! it was awesome, and unexpected!! then shortly after, maybe an hour or two, one of my brothers shared it, and again, flattered me with compliments and asked to donate.Then my other brother, then a few friends shared my picture and link post as well. and the best part? IT WORKED, better than I would have ever thought, 200 bucks in about 24 hours! That is 50 bucks more than last year in a day. Man this beard was paying off. Only problem was that now, clean shaven was up by 5 bucks, a few days after the post, I was up to about 240, and I kinda wanted to keep it, you see my friend said she wanted a blackbeard for me, and I kinda liked the picture, and idea, because I will not grow one this long again, why not have fun with it before I shave it.
Before Glitter |
So now, I am trying to figure out how to make it work. I make a few posts, try to get people to donate, but not be annoying. One friend said I should be festive for the holidays, and dye it white, again, anything for the cause, so I said if you donate, and the beard wins, you got it. So now I am at Black beard, White beard, and whatever else comes up to keep the beard and have my fun!
Glitter |
Good Location |
This is all their fault |
Then it got interesting, so there is this thing that some people do, and put glitter in their beard, not my level of weird, I had no desire to ever do it. Until one day at a bar, for a fundraiser, a woman asked if she could glitter my beard, after saying no several times mind you. I said something to keep her quiet, sure if you can raise money for my charity, thinking it would not happen, we agreed to 300, and her, and a friend went to work. Oh man I instantly regretted it. I underestimated how much these people, many of them friends, wanted to torture me, and see a glitter beard, in Red, White, and Blue, even better (it was a team RWB event after all). So fun was had, I walked out, happily dreading the day, this happened on a Monday, and I took money for the charity, donated it, and agreed to glitter it on that Sunday, wile at another fundraiser for the same team, they really do good work, I am happy to be a part of the team, even if they make me glitter my beard! One of the women is picking up the glitter, and anything else that is needed, which is also awesome, all I had to do was show up. So now we add on the glitter beard, oh man, this has been one wild and crazy 10 day charity bidding war over a beard, and I am so happy to have raised over 500, even if it was because many of them want to torture me, at least I am doing good, and making people laugh, so all is well that ends well!
I do not usually like to much attention, so this has been weird, but awesome.
Glitter is meant to be shared right? |
Because it is the season |
Because why not! |
Whitebeard |
If you want to donate to help #endnf the link is
If you want to join me in febuary, and have fun here is a link to sign up:
If you want motivation, there is still plenty of time to fund raise for this charity run, and here are some of the perks to raising funds
Here is a link to the video of the magic of glitterbeard wile it happened
Also Huge thanks to Henry for most of the pictures, and David for the video! There were many others taking pictures, naturally, I mean how often do things like this happen, but the facetime during, was priceless, thank you all for the laughs, and donations through this. Even if most of you just wanted to humiliate me, I will still happily take it, it is the least I can do for a good cause!
So join me in the fun! And as always
Until Next time
Stay active
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