Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Exercize can help!

So I have been fairly active for a wile now, about 5 years, and making a focus for ocrs and being serious about my running in the past 2 years. And amongst all the good it has done (improved body, mind, and so many new happy and positive friends). This post is more for (and about) me. I do my best to stay positive, I truly believe that focusing on the positive can drown out the negative, regardless of the circumstance. Now, naturally it won't solve all of your problems, but it helps. It helps to lessen what ever negative things that are sent your way. Not to mention that with all the friends you make, and teams you join (for me life would not be the same without the New England Spahtens, so many new friends made there, they really help make each weekend wonderful, and every week of training as well! Also, Team RWB is great, they are also full of wonderful people that give back to veterans every chance they get, and is a wonderful charity!

From time to time, you need more than positive vibes from within. That is where exercise can really kick it up a notch. I was in a low place on friday, I had just put my cat to sleep, after 20 years, and it feels weird walking into a home without a pet now, it has been all I have know for most of my life. But I was able to make it to a race (finish at the 50) that night, saw dozens of friends, and laughed, it made the day easier.

So combining running and friends, I had a good night. Even if I did not prepare for the run at all, good thing it was only a 5k, but also meant I missed out on running a 10k after as well. And also did not have nearly as good of a performance as I am used to, but that was not the reason for the run. So keep in mind the importance athletics can play on your mind, in a bad mood? Try going for a run, or pumping some iron (or body weight workouts) all that adrenaline, and endorphins make a world of difference. Also it is one of the cheapest forms of therapy, it is very cathartic, a good trail run on your own (or hike) has done the trick for me on more than one occasion. 

I can also say that the whole group workouts are also a wonderful thing (I also wrote about that earlier here). Much to my surprise, I got a sympathy card from my friends, totally unexpected, but an awesome touch. Just another sign that getting out, and off that couch can do wonders for you. And adding life to your years, is a wonderful thing. 

Until next time 
Stay active

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